Downtown Quesnel
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Our Downtown Businesses

We are continuously updating this list with all the current information for our downtown businesses. If we have missed something, please email us at:  Downtown Bucks Accepted Here = Downtown Bucks are accepted at this business.

Businesses in: Services » Government Services

Canada Post
Phone 243 Reid St
Phone 250.992.2200
Canadian Union of Postal Workers
Phone 164 Front St
Phone 250.992.6855
Cariboo Regional District Library
Phone 101 - #410 Kinchant St
Phone 250-992-7912
City of Quesnel
Phone 410 Kinchant St
Phone 250.992.2111
Quesnel & District Child Development Centre
Phone 488 McLean St (Third Floor)
Phone 250.992.2481
Seasons House
Phone 146 Carson Ave
Phone 250-991-0222
Service Canada
Phone 283 Reid St
Phone 250.992.5538
Work BC Employment Services
Phone 100-488 McLean St
Phone 250.992.7691

Find Us At:

246 St Laurent Ave
Quesnel BC 



Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
9am to 2pm


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